Few tips to avoid Zoom hacking when you are working from your home - LifeHack


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Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Few tips to avoid Zoom hacking when you are working from your home

Few tips to avoid Zoom hacking when you are working from your home

Zooming: This is a term you guessing didn’t know you had to worry about until now.

But with social distancing recommendations forcing so many of us to work from home during the coronavirus pandemic, Zoom conference calls have become the latest target for hackers.

“With more people than ever before working from their homes and possessing virtual meetings, a new trend is calling Zoombombing and is growing,” 

“Zoombombing occurs when hackers hijack internet video conferences, like those offered by the fast-growing platform Zoom. These hackers often present inappropriate, offensive material or otherwise disrupt the conference.”

Undependable provided a list of some tips to escape having the meetings  introduce.

1. You have to create devide passwords for every virtual meeting.

2. Create a Zoom waiting room for meeting members.
3. Locking down the meeting when every1 is invited to join it.
4. Do not publicly post meeting links on social media or any other public forum.
5. “It isn't a gag, and what is even more problematic is more people are affected to this privacy hack as pupuls and students are nowdays using video for conferencing to learn virtually to obey the statewide stayathome order issued to stop the spread of COVID-19.”

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